UD Card

What is it?

  • All UD students have a university card.

  • It is used to identify yourself when required (general secretariat, exams...).

  • It gives you access to some spaces (libraries, car parks, some laboratories...):

  • Access to CRAI Library services

    • Book lending through the Océano platform .

    • Laptop loans (Bilbao)

  • Printing/scanning/photocopying service (myPrints)

  • DeustoFit gym (Bilbao)

  • Plaza Euskadi Car Park (Bilbao)

  • Discounts in museums/cinemas/... providing proof of student status

How can I get my UD Card?

  • Cards are issued at the time of enrolment.

  • If you did not enrol in person, you can collect your card at the General Secretariat office.

How do I keep my UD Card active?

You must update you card at least once a month so that you can continue using it at the University's access points. They are updated automatically when you pass through the following points:

  • Bilbao Campus

    • CRAI library turnstiles.

    • Entry barriers to the campus.

    • Janitors’ office in main building.

    • Labyrinth near footbridge (near janitors’ office).

    • Janitors’ office in the Engineering building.

    • DBS: lift next to DBS office

  • San Sebastián Campus

    • Entry barriers to the campus.

    • Entry to Matteo Ricci building.

    • Entry to the coffee shop.

    • Car park near classroom building