
What is it?

MyPrints is the service that the University of Deusto makes available to its community for printing, scanning and photocopying documents from any device with internet access through your @deusto or @opendeusto account.


The printing service has the following features:

  • Documents are sent to print through a print queue and print jobs can be collected from any of the printers available to users. Print jobs can be sent from the Library computer facilities in Bilbao or from any other mobile devices with Internet access.

  • All print jobs must be sent secured. To print them, you must release the print jobs with your university card, which ensures the security and confidentiality of all printed documents.

  • For documents that are especially difficult for their volume, condition of originals or other particular features, you should go to the reprographic services available on both campuses.

Bilbao Campus

Donostia Campus